Bob Hughes wrote:
> I'm looking yours over now, trying to understand it.
> Clever thing... although, I am finding it to be very slow to render. Since
> you used 'average' I'm trying that with the layered crackle patterns now and
> it looks better that way.
> You might want to rethink the "Q&D" and say S&C (slow and clean). Only
> joking.
Yes it is very slow. Agreed.
In the code the, ScalingFactor is just an attempt to produce more little
ones than big ones, and at the same time make the little ones inverse
proportionately deeper.
Defining the pigment beforehand is just an attempt to get around the
limit of 256 terms to be averaged.
Also I think it looks better, or at least closer to your example, with
poly_wave set between 1 and 4.
The crater profile is mostly about the pigment_map of course
Otherwise just a bunch of averaged cylindricals rotated and scaled randomly.
Yes Slow. My example rendered -aa in about 5 minutes.
That you would use the idea or something similar to augment your texture
was what I was thinking. With a little less random, but rather more
judicious application, you might get faster times and better effects.
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